December – Work Progress Report

December Work Progress Report

December Work Progress Report

2021 Year-end Results

Everybody noted the increasing interest in cryptocurrency mining this year. Our pool team is always trying to do our best to provide the best service for newcomers and for experienced professional miners.

Ethereum being the driver of GPU mining brought a lot of surprises this year. We survived the London hardfork and created the new payout system to save money for our miners performing the free payouts in the pool. More than 35 000 users already use payouts in Bitcoin and Nano.

The next year Ethereum developers plan to switch from POW to POS and we have already discussed the possible mining opportunities when this happens. Read What to Mine when Ethereum Goes POS

Ethereum Network Difficulty tripled in 2021. Unfortunately, this means that each GPU is generating now 3 times less ETH than it was doing at the beginning of the year. That is just crazy! More and more often our admins are sharing Ethereum Mining Profit Is Down. What Happened and What to Do? post with our miners.



The ETH network hashrate and mining difficulty growth was also possible thanks to the mining software developers who achieved the hashrate increase on so-called LHR Nvidia video cards. Our team has made our own tests using LHR GPUs on Gminer, T-Rex, and lolMiner.

2Miners pool is growing every month. Almost 120K miners are using 2Miners right now. We would like to thank you and wish you all the best in 2022!



Cryptocurrency Node Software Updates

As a multi-coin pool, we always monitor all the recent crypto node updates for 19 coin networks. This month Ergo network got a couple of problems which were finally fixed by the ERG developers team. BEAM wallet update caused problems for many users and crypto exchanges. We asked all of our miners to stop using the Coinex platform. Its developers failed to update the BEAM node and this caused problems for users. FIRO cryptocurrency also had an important update in december.

Please find below the list of the most important node updates in December.

  • Beam Node 6.2.12495
  • Ergo Protocol Reference Client 4.0.19
  • Firo v0.14.9.2

ETH Big Blocks Are Back

December was full of extra rewards for the Ethereum miners. Our Ethereum pool got 53 ETH, 46 ETH, 39 ETH, 23 ETH blocks and many more. There was also 1 block with 51 ETH MEV included. The SOLO pool record for 1 block was almost 34 ETH!



Our pool uses PPLNS rewards system so all extra rewards are always paid to our miners.

2CryptoCalc Update

Now you could select your local currency on
The website design has been also revised. Many minor fixes have been applied.



We welcome you to join our miner community in Telegram. It already has more than 11 000 users. We remind you that we also have local chats in Russian, Turkish, Spanish, and Chinese.

Remember to follow us on Twitter to get all the news as soon as possible.

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