April – Work Progress Report
Currency Selection
Now you could select your local currency on 2Miners.com
No matter which pool language you use, you could select the currency for statistics representation on your own. Click the currency sign on the top right corner of the pool and select the desired currency.
Ethereum Classic News
We launched the new payout system in the Ethereum Classic 2Miners pools in March which allows you to mine ETC and receive the payouts in BTC! Almost 500 miners started to use this system in April.
On April 25th ETC switched to Era 4.
- Block reward was reduced from 3.2 ETC to 2.56 ETC.
- Uncle block reward was reduced from 0.1 ETC to 0.08 ETC.
2CryptoCalc.com mining calculator has been updated.
Ergo News
Block reward dropped from 66 ERG to 63 ERG on April 4th.
The next reduction will happen in 3 months’ time. Check the Ergo Twitter for the updates.
Horizen News
New API and new statistics pages have been released for ZEN pools.
Now workers and share statistics are now available.
POOL: zen.2miners.com
SOLO: solo-zen.2miners.com
Ethereum News
There were a lot of blocks with extra profit in April. For example 41.9 ETH, 88.3 ETH, and a nice series of 332 ETH in 5 blocks
Recent blocks could be always found on the blocks page of the Ethereum pool.
Cryptocurrency Node Updates
We updated these cryptocurrency nodes in April.
- Nervos CKB 0.103.0 (e77138e 2022-04-11)
- ZEC v4.6.0-2
We welcome you to join our miner community in Telegram or one of the local chats in Russian, Turkish, Spanish, and Chinese.
Remember to follow us on Twitter to get all the news as soon as possible.
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