September 2022 Work Progress Report: Ethereum Switch to POS, New Coins NEOX and ETHW

September 2Miners

September 2Miners

Ethereum (ETH) Switch to POS

The main event of the cryptocurrency mining industry happened on September 15th. After many years of talks and preparation, Ethereum mining stopped. Nearly all the cryptocurrency miners began to panic as GPU mining profitability dropped several times. This happened because the hashing power engaged with the ETH mining was set free and many hardware switched to mine other cryptocurrencies.

Ethereum is #2 cryptocurrency in the World. It was the main coin mined by the graphics cards. Read more in our post “End of the Ethereum Mining” available in English, Spanish, Russian, and Farsi.

One day after the ETH switch to POS we processed the last payout to all the Ethereum pool users. We paid out all the unpaid balances that are over the minimum Ethereum pool payout threshold.

  • For ETH addresses 0.01 ETH;
  • For BTC addresses 0.005 ETH;
  • For NANO addresses 0.0005 ETH.

There is a bunch of coins you could still mine with your GPUs. What to Mine when Ethereum Mining Stops? You could always find the most profitable cryptocurrencies to mine on



Such coins like Cortex (CTXC), Grin (GRIN), and Bitcoin Gold (BTG) surprisingly are almost always presented at the top of the mining calculator results. Last year Grin, for example, was mined only with ASIC devices such as iPollo G1. Now GPU mining is back for this coin.

New Coin: Neoxa

Neoxa (NEOX) mining pools are Online from September 6th.




Neoxa uses KAWPOW algorithm (same as Ravencoin). Neoxa was added to 2CryptoCalc mining profitability calculator.

Here is an example of the bat file for NEOX mining with Gminer.

miner.exe --algo kawpow --server --user YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS.RIG_ID

We recommend you to check the special post on How to Mine Neoxa: Specs, Mining Settings, NEOX Mining Profitability.

New Coin: EthereumPoW

EthereumPoW (ETHW) mining pools are Online from the day of the ETH switch to POS (September 15th).




ETHW is the fork of the original ETH network. EthereumPoW uses ETHASH algorithm (same as Ethereum).

You could use Metamask ETH wallet address for ETHW mining or an address generated on crypto exchanges such as Binance, OKX or ByBit. More info could be always found on the ETHW Help page. Metamask setup could be tricky so we made a post How to Add Ethereum PoW (ETHW) Cryptocurrency Network to MetaMask Wallet.

BTC Payouts for Cryptocurrency Mining on GPU

A year ago we released a unique feature of Bitcoin payouts for the Ethereum mining pool. Now we are spreading this option to the mining pools of other coins. Currently, three coins support Bitcoin payouts: Ethereum Classic (ETC), Ergo (ERG), and Ravencoin (RVN).



No complicated settings are required to be applied to receive the payouts in Bitcoin. All you need to do is to use the BTC wallet address in your mining software settings (bat file).

Check Get Paid in Bitcoin for Altcoin Mining. BTC Payouts for GPU-Mined ETC, ERGO, RVN post.

EXP, ETP, MWC Delisting

We delisted Expanse (EXP), Metaverse (ETP), MimbleWimbleCoin (MWC) mining pools from 2Miners on September 30th.



These cryptocurrencies are not developing anymore. Unfortunately, the EXP, ETP, and MWC mining is not profitable anymore for both miners and the mining pool.

Use to find the best alternative.

Cryptocurrency Node Updates

We always keep our cryptocurrency nodes up to date to provide our users with the best mining experience. This is the list of the most important node updates of September.

  • Ergo Protocol Reference Client 4.0.103
  • CoreGeth/v1.12.8-stable-654bc751 for ETC
  • Neoxa v1.0.3
  • Geth/v1.10.23-stable/linux-amd64/go1.19 for ETHW

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